

More than Music is often in need of concert Sponsorships, both private and corporate, and we have many other needs and costs related to our ministry. We do our very best to streamline overhead and make our organization run efficiently, in fact we are mostly run by volunteers, but donations are still needed and very much appreciated.

If you would like to help support the More Than Music and would like to make a secure tax deductible donation online through paypal you may do so here. If you prefer to give via check or money Order

please mail to:

More than Music Inc.
P.O. Box 31
Farmington, MN 55024.

automatic monthly giving

You may also support MtM monthly. Enter the amount you would like to give monthly below and you will be taken to our PayPal payment center to set up your monthly gift.


Remember all gifts are tax deductible, and our donors are so valuable to this team. We do have monthly partnerships if you are interested in making a commitment to help support us through finances or prayer. Please contact our Administrator, Genny Moellring for more information at For those who commit to giving at least $50.00 a month all CDs, and books by Stephanie Pauline are sent to you automatically. Just one small way for us to say thanks.


Bi Annual Hope and Potential Concert to Benefit Southern CO Youth for Christ in Colorado Springs
(download packet here)

Next YFC Benefit Concert May 2015


Bi Annual More than Music Benefit Concert in Colorado Springs, or Minnepolis

Next MtM Benefit Concert May 2014


Juvenile Detention Center Concerts – $500 per concert. MtM like to be able to hand out unlimited bibles and CDs at every concert we do in Juvenile detention centers. $500 covers related CD duplication and bible costs, travel expenses, and one paid musician per concert and our sound guy.


Toy Soldier 1280 Project – We are looking for people who want to help us DRIVE this project forward.  See the Detention and Treatment Center Ministry page e for more info and please give generously. There is so much to do!


Paints and Instruments for Creative People around the World – We have a partnership with Prosound Music In CO, and Dick Blick Art Supplies online. They give us instruments, and artistic tools at cost and we help provide sound gear and artistic implements to those who need them around the world. We often receive requests like this and want to have funds at the ready to be able to give to worthy creative people around the world who want to express the Glory of God in their own way, but lack the means. We take requests seriously and make certain to do a rigorous check to ascertain the veracity of the applicants claim. These are worthy recipients and it is our joy to help them!

Want to give to a specific recording or projects by the a Mission Facilitation team or one of our artists? Make a donation and simply state what you want to give to in the comments section of your online donation or on the memo line of your check or money order and we will do our best to honor your intent.